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Adoption Guide

Your pet deserve the best

A beautiful guide explaining all the steps regarding the adoption of a British Shorthair Kitten at Wild N Sweet. It will help you to ensure a beautiful adoption experience and be ready to welcome your new British Shorthair Kitten in your home.

Bringing your new kitten home

The arrival of your new British Shorthair Kitten can be a very exciting time as long as you take the correct steps. After adopting your new British Shorthair Kitten, you'll want to make sure you're ready for his awaited arrival. Learn everything you need to make sure his arrival goes smoothly:food, type of litter, favourite toys, what to do, what to have and so on. And do not forget the key steps.

Aww, congratulations on your new furry addition! British Shorthairs are so adorable and I'm sure your new kitten will be a great companion. Enjoy all the cuddles and purrs!

Adoption Process

Fill out an application

You'll be asked to fill out an adoption application with information about yourself, like your lifestyle, your experience with pets and if you other people or pets living with you. this is so the organization can find a cat who's a good fit for you. Some places, especially rescues, will also ask for references and a home visit.

Meet cats

Once your application's approved, you can meet with cats to find one that you want to adopt. Bring everyone who lives in your home with you to be sure the cat gets along with each person in your household.

Taking your cat home

Once you've found your perfect cat, you'll be ready to introduce him to his new home.


Start to make your house cat-ready before your cats comes home. First you should get all the supplies you'll need for him.

According to Meowwcity, you need to have:

  • Food(both wet and dry)
  • Cat litter
  • A litter box
  • A litter scoop
  • Toys
  • Bedding
  • A scratching post

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